Tell Us Your Remdesivir/Veklury Story
Remdesivir/Veklury Class Action against the FDA and Gilead
Tell us your story. Help us build a war chest to fight for your loved ones and to ensure these drugs are removed from distribution.
Please donate here or under the GiveSendGo below on this page of the website. We need to build a war chest to fight Gilead Pharmaceutical. You can save lives. All donations are appreciated.
Venmo: @jamie-scher-1
Zelle: last 4 digits of telephone number 0655
Check: Myer and Scher, LLP As Attorneys 377B South Oyster Bay Road, Plainview, NY 11803
Before you fill out the Jot form please
add your email HERE to stay up to date
Most of our team has spent close to two years working on this case, gathering experts, studying and researching the history of the drugs and the people who are involved. We know the time is now to file and hold people accountable. Ask your friends and family to donate too. The quicker we reach our threshold goal to keep us afloat the quicker we can file. Checks can be made payable to the escrow account of Myer and Scher, LLP, As Attorneys. Please overnight your checks to Myer and Scher, LLP, 377B South Oyster Bay Road, Plainview, NY 11803. You can also Venmo your donation to (mark it REM Class Action)
WE Truly wish we did not have to ask for a dime. But we are fighting a Giant who has a war chest of funds. NOTE: if you do not donate you are still in the Class Action. This is not mandatory, but we cannot file without the funds. So if you cannot donate please ask others to do it right now. If you truly cannot afford the minimum suggested donation then give what you can, every dollar counts. Thank you. Let’s do this Now.
Community fund for legal & family expenses
Chlorine Dioxide products are a more holistic way to heal the body. We carry toothpaste and mouthwash which will help you to eliminate bacteria that travels into your body and may make you sick. We carry wound healing products and an acne product as well as a wart removal and nail fungus elimination product. We also have an earigant which is great to use on your pets. Try these products which can be purchased easily at Namaste the Yoga Spa in the Plainview NY shopping center or use this link and coupon code for the products to be shipped right to your front door.
Coupon Code: Jamie5

But we also have a way you can help yourself and your friends, family and loved ones make a statement while also staying safe. This Medical Alert bracelet is something everyone needs to wear all the time. The proceeds of the purchase goes toward Formerfedsgroup and the legal fund to seek an Order from the Court to stop the making and distribution and utilization of these deadly drugs. To order the bracelet email Carolyn at Former Feds Group and give her your name, shipping address and how many you want. She will then check status of your payment through the tax deductible donation at $25 for one bracelet and $20 each for five or more bracelets.

Start Time: 1 hour 35 Min
The employers will all be sued, let’s make sure the employees bring in big pharma and the government.
Trump Statement Agenda 47 - Public Health & Environment. Addressing the Rise of Chronic Childhood Illnesses - WOW!
Holy Cow!! This statement is the beginning of the end of big Pharma…. I AM SO HAPPY he touched on this important topic!
“In recent decades, there has been an unexplained alarming growth in the prevalence of chronic illnesses & health problems, especially in children.
We’ve seen a stunning rise in autism, autoimmune disorders, obesity, infertility, serious allergies, & respiratory challenges.
It’s time to ask what is going on!
Is it the food they eat, the environment we live in, the overprescription of certain medications? Is it the toxins & Chemicals that are present in our homes?
Every year, we spend hundreds of billions of dollars to treat these chronic problems rather than looking at what is causing them in the first place.
Too often our public health establishment is too close to Big Pharma. They make a lot of money, Big Pharma.”
“If Big Pharma defrauds American patients & taxpayers & puts profits above people, they must be investigated & held accountable!”
As President, I will:
• I will establish a special presidential commission of independent minds who are not bought & paid for by Big Pharma, and I will charge them with investigating with investigating what is causing the decades long increase of chronic illnesses. (My first thought was RFK JR)
“I understand Big Pharma more than anybody else. I know where they’re coming from.”
• I will ask them to publish recommendations for how everything American child can have a safe & healthy childhood.
“This is a conversation that is long overdue & a conversation American families deserve. American family must have this conversation, and they must have a leader, a President, who can do something about this problem, and I will do that!”
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Criminal Sealing
Of Record
Jamie Scher and Jill Myer met in law school. After law school they each worked at different law firms where they represented union members. They got experience in Family Law, Civil Practice, Real Estate and Estate Planning. They both found a love for Adoptions. Jamie and Jill left their respective firms and formed Myer and Scher, LLP to practice primarily Domestic Adoption Law. That was more then 20 years ago. What makes their practice so special is that they care about each case like its their own family. They hold their client’s hands throughout the entire process.
Myer and Scher, LLP is a firm that will make you say to your friends and family, “I really like my attorney!” A major reason is that Jill and Jamie pride themselves in charging their clients for the task, not by the hour. Its effective because everyone knows ahead of time what to expect. There are no surprises.